Our Humble Podcast

Kyle Raub

The Hygge #2: Deep Chuckles

  In this episode Jaren is struggling to stay awake as she didn't get much sleep the night before, we discuss laughter and what it does for us on an emotional and physical level, awkward social interactions, and how important catharsis is! We tried a new recording setup this time (I didn't quite care for the overall results, too much room tone) and will keep experimenting until we get a more robust and balanced capture. Enjoy!    Feel free to check out: Librivox

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Kyle Raub

The Hygge #1: Happiness Stigma

Our first episode!  Jaren and I discuss the difference between being self-conscious and being self-aware, the game "Journey" and Journey scarves, mispronouncing words, tea, and how we see happiness activated in the world around us.  We are just getting started and we hope you will come along for the ride.  Cheers! Also, feel free to check out: Tin Roof Teas, Tea Rex, "Journey" Scarf, and Coast to Coast AM

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