Every week, we provide you with 5 randomly selected SFX from our vast sound library collection, completely free of charge. These selections may come from the same library or different ones, with the possibility of being linked thematically or not at all. They may vary in length and style, from short 1-second spots to longer 5-minute ambient loops. Rest assured that these samples are of the same high quality and include the same level of detailed metadata as any other assets in our library, as they are taken directly from their corresponding full collections. As such, you will also receive a CSV containing all the UCS metadata for each SFX. Don't forget to check in weekly or follow us on Instagram (@eiravaein_works) #weeklyfree5 for the latest Free 5 releases! |
5 WAVs + UCS metadata |
48, 96, 192kHz / 24-Bit | Mono, Stereo, Multi | Ver Infinite | License |